Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eating habit

Nak citer kekaguman Umi dan Abi pada anak ketiga kami ni, 'Ulwan. Dia boleh makan dan makan dan makan lagi..Fuh! Pagi tadi breakfast separuh roti telur (kak Ulya makan pun tak habis). Then dia minta cereal! Kebetulan Abi teringin makan durian yang Opah bawa balik dr Taiping...PUN dia minta jugak. MasyaAllah! Hebat betul selera makan anak Umi ni.

Dalam milis ibu yang Umi subscribe hari ini ada posting tentang Anak Tak Pandai Makan. Wah! memang macam-macam pengalaman ibu handle anak tak pandai makan. Makan pun kena ajar kan?

Abang Umar masa kecik pun kughuih, nampak gitar! Suruh makan extra sikit je, dah muntah balik. Mihun kena potong pendek2 kalau panjang2 susah nak telan. Macam2 jugak lah yang Umi cuba, buat hiasan2 (macam tips yang biasa orang bagi) dengan ada muka yang comel atas pinggan dll. Tapi tak selera jugak makan...kecuali Pasta, Spaghetti, Pizza! Amboi2...macam anak mat salleh nampak. Gambar bawah ni masa Abg Umar 9 bulan ikut Popo, Umi dan Abi visit Kong Kong di Bendigo, Australia. Berselera betul makan yoghurt! Tauk tahu lah macamana selera makan Abg Umar boleh ok. Umi dah tak berapa ingat. Tapi memang kena banyaaaaak Sabar. Tapi Abg Umar makan sikit tapi kerap. Dan kawan Umi, Dr Aisyah tak berapa setuju sebab in-between-meals buatkan anak tak nak makan banyak for heavy meals. Masing2 punye mazhab la. Hehe.

Kak Ulya's story..well, Umi still have the same problem. She's so picky and fussy. No sayur. Not a single daun sup yang sangaaat kecik kemetot. Not even bawang. Haiyoo! Umi played helikopter terbang nak masuk dalam mulut pun fail gak. Tengok mood la. Ada sekali tu masak ayam masak kurma. Kak Ulya nak nasi sama kuah AJE! Ok lah, janji makan. Tup..tup ..dia makan nasi tambah lagi sekali.

Conclusion Umi, lain anak lain eating habit. Yang penting introduce food, vege and variety of food sejak awal usia lagi. Bila dah pandai memilih tu yang susah sket la. Ni dua (dari berbanyak2 lg) perkara yang sangat penting Umi rasa semua parents kena faham. Nak baca lagi pg kat

Children don't eat like adults do: Do you get frustrated when your child wriggles around, talks a lot at the table and stops frequently to play with things or stare out the window? We know such behavior can try one's patience, but it might help to know that it's normal. Deal with the fidgeting calmly -- while still insisting on good manners and on eating a proper meal. For example, your children should learn to sit properly at the table while eating. They should not watch television or play games while eating. They should not crawl on the floor, or leave the table before finishing. They should learn to chew with their mouths closed (this will not happen for some time, though!) and to not talk with their mouths full. They should ask for things politely, and they should ask for permission to be excused.

Don't miss breakfast: Breakfast is a critical meal for you and your children -- it wakes up the body and provides fuel for the day. Studies show that children who miss breakfast (teens, too!) have a harder time concentrating in school, and they're more likely to eat poorly later. Get up a few minutes earlier if you must, but make sure your children have food in their bellies before they leave the house. Try to serve breakfasts that include fruit, protein and fiber. Even if food is served at school or daycare, give your children something healthy to nibble on before they go. Sharing meals together is not just nutritionally sound, it's also an important part of family cohesion.

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